Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is it?

Is it the weather? Is it my health? My spirit? Was it the weekend? Or just a lack of motivation? I DON'T KNOW! I'm in the office today, now with a raging headache, getting work done, but all I want to do is lay down and go to sleep. I can't.
After work, I need to take Bekah to the store, I told her I would go with her. I need to start working on the house for the party this weekend and I need to go buy decorations. I'm feeling overwhelmed and not sure why. When I worked for a very tightly wound corporation as a VP of Operations, I was so very busy, but I did not always feel this overwhelmed. There were times, believe me...but I usually had much more on my plate and I was able to balance. Not sure if not working for four months has "softened" me or what the deal is, but I have got to get it together! Oh, did I mention that I am also achy, my body aches when I walk.
I'm exhausted!
Since I don't have a picture of me sleeping, which is what I really really want to do, here is one of Bekah last year at Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles while we were taking a break from Christmas shopping.

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