Monday, August 10, 2009

NOT ME! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog here to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is my first "NOT ME! Monday" and I could go on for days!
It was NOT Me that (clear throat..cough, cough) "saved the day" on Sunday morning by showing up at the fundraising event and being the only parent for the first half hour with one other student, ONLY to FORGET to go back at 3:00 PM when I was supposed to to pick up my stuff, and leave the afternoon parent stranded because she did not know how to break-down my table. NOT ME!

It wasn't me who opened her big mouth with a Smart Alec comment (trying to be funny) at "Carlos and Charlies" restaurant on Saturday night only to find myself drinking from 10 straws put together by the waiter and everyone staring at me taking pictures! My husband had to hold the drink near the ground and I had to stand up and try to drink through the very large straw. Embarrassing....

It was NOT Me who ran into a friend and said, let's get together and go out to dinner tonight! (So I don't have to cook) We can absolutely wait until you get your hair, nails and eyebrows done!

It was NOT Me who left the mop bucket out filled with water, saying..I just need to finish two days ago. I would never do such a thing, gross!

It most certainly was NOT Me who forgot my camera when we went to see a friend's son play guitar at Mulligans Sunday night. I would never be so forgetful. And yes, this is the same day I "forgot" to pick up my table and chairs at the fundraiser.

To round out the week, it was absolutely, positively, NOT Me! I did not pay a bill out of the wrong bank account and cause a mess with my finances, NOT ME!

What have you not been doing? Want to share or see what everyone else has not been doing? Head on over to MckMama's blog to check it out!

Now that I got that off my chest, I probably should go put away the mop bucket!

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