Monday, August 10, 2009

Me and My Dad

This picture above is of my Dad and I, looking at the size of me, I am estimating this picture was taking in 1968, the year I was born.

I miss my Dad. Even though as a teenager and young adult I was not close to him, I miss the thought of having my Dad around. I missed him back then. I missed so many things with my Dad. He didn't see me go to Prom, he wasn't there when I began to date, he wasn't around to get to know his grandchildren, or at least my children. He was there for my High School Graduation and wedding, I am grateful for that. I haven't thought about that much over the years, I shrug it off as if I didn't really know what I was missing... but seeing my husband so involved with our children, I really see what I missed as a teenage girl without a father around. I will never forget one of the last times my father came to visit. His wife said to me, "it is like having a stranger in the house, isn't it?" That answer was "yes" but to this day, I'm not sure why she felt compelled so say that to me as it was very hurtful and sad. But she did and that has stuck with me all these years.

It wasn't always like that, I have fond memories of my Dad up until about age 13 and a few after that. I do know he loved me very much and I know he was proud of me too.

As I embark on this memory journey, I hope I will continue to unlock those memories and maybe discover something new along the way.

Peace & Love

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