Thursday, August 27, 2009

To tat or not to tat.... at 3:00 AM?

Good morning, it is still morning right? Yep, 10:40 AM... good. Because I haven't really moved too much yet. Last night was interesting. I was struggling with being cool being a spontaneous free spirit and being a practical adult.
At about 1:45 AM, Zack called Black Chapel Tattoo to see what time they were open, thinking he would get a recording. Well he got the artists, they were still there, Zack really wanted to go right then and there to get his sleeve worked on. I was hesitant... I admit it, but if they, the artists, were willing to take us, I had made up my mind I would go, right then and there 2:00 AM in the morning! The tattoo place was going to call Zack back. They did and decided that they were going home and we would see them later when they came back, 5:00 PM or so Thursday evening. So, I felt like I kinda dodged a bullet so to speak as I was all about going, but didn't have to, yeah... I could go to bed! So I did.
About 30 minutes later, there is knock on our bedroom door. Seemed like a bang, jolted me right up. It was Zack letting me know that Black Chapel had called back and they were going to go ahead and stay if he wanted to come in. So I got up and fumbled around like I was going to get ready. I asked Zack, is he sure they knew they are going to do 2 tattoos tonight, I mean this morning, he said "no." So I decided, to let Zack go without me and I will keep my original appointment today at 5and I crawled back into bed.
The idea of going to get a tattoo (now) at 3:00 AM in the morning on a Thursday morning would have made for a cool little adventure and story with my son, but getting some sleep, I am perfectly okay with that too, so score one for the practical adult this round. Tonight I will be going back with Zack at 5:00 PM, they are going to finish Zack's sleeve and I am going to get something small. I will be sure to post pictures later.
***There is the picture, you can still see the redness as it was completed about 3 and a half hours ago. My little "Tree of Life." I might go back and have leaves added to it? ***


Madison said...

Well thats exciting! Did you see Brittany's new peircing on Facebook? I forgot what it's called but it is in her ear.

Kim said...

Made for an interesting evening that's for sure! So I got my "Tree of Life" I really like it! It's just a tree! Very Earthy! I didn't see the piercing, but I like those on the edge of the ear...