Thursday, July 9, 2009

Poor Bebe

It has been kinda crazy since last Monday (6/29), Bekah and I came home to find that BeBe had popped her eye out of the socket. It was an awful site. Bekah of course got very upset immediately and I wasn't much better. I rushed her to the vet and they quickly took her in for surgery to put the eye back into place. The procedure seemed to go well and the vet was hopeful that she would not lose the eye and she might even be able to see again with it. She had ointment for her eye that we put on four times a day. The eye wasn't looking great and I was getting concerned that she would go blind in that eye. Then this Monday we took her back to the vet to get her stitches out of her eye lid. The vet felt that the eye looked pretty good and still might come back. He prescribed new ointment. The next day the eye looked swollen, but it had been and the vet said that is normal and would go down. So, we just kept a watch over her. Then on Wednesday, I thought the eye looked worse, so I took back to the vet. This time the vet said the eye was infected, so he wasn't as optimistic that she would be able to see out of that eye again. Now he was concerned that she might lose the eye all together. BeBe is on antibiotics twice a day, eye drops every two hours and the ointment at least 4 times a day. She also has to go back to wearing the "cone" collar. She is still wagging her tail and is active, she doesn't like the ointment much, other than that she is doing okay relatively speaking. We are hopeful that the we caught the infection soon enough and she will not have to have the eye removed. She is such a sweet girl and we feel so bad for what she is going through. Blue feels bad too, we have to keep him from trying to lick her eye and from trying to take care of her. He gets very sensitive when things happen and BeBe is his buddy. It is so sweet. We hope she gets better soon.


Madison said...

Awwwwwww poor thing I feel so bad now:( I hope that BeBe feels better soon!

Love, Madison

Kim said...

Aww.. Don't feel bad, she is doing better each day and she is still wagging her tail! Thank you!

kristina said...

That is so sad hope Bebe gets better soon!!I feel so bad now Bebe seems so kind and playful.
Your Blog Frinde, Kristina

Kim said...

Thank you Kristina!