Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our time together

Good morning and happy Wednesday! I have been so busy vacationing that I haven't been able to keep up with my blog. I missed it! I enjoy going back and reading my own entries (I know, probably a little weird!), so when I didn't have time to write last week, I took some time while riding in the car to read some of my old posts. I'm a lucky girl, I can say that! I'm surrounded by people who love me and who I love dearly. I am having some pretty awesome experiences and I appreciate my life everyday. Last week was just great, spending time Deanna, Doug, Craig, Tiffany and Marc in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Rich, Bekah and I had a blast! We laughed so much and were so busy we had to squeeze in making dinners, we almost ran out of time for dinner. It was good to see the rest of the family too and their families. I got to know a couple of people in the family that I didn't really know before, so that was cool. Allen Idol was so much fun and what a talented group! I loved being out in the mountains riding the motorcycles, there is such a freedom with that and the scenery is so tranquil. I missed Zack, we all did. We know how much fun he would have had if he was there. Can't wait for him to come home for a visit! I need my Zack hug!
We all missed Jakki, but not more than Craig, Tiffany and Marc. I am amazed by their courage and strength to continue to "live" their lives without Jakki, their wife, friend and Mother by their side. I know she is always with them in spirit. It is such a lesson to us all, that we have to live our lives to the fullest, each and everyday, we need to say what we need to say and love unconditionally, be happy, be at peace. It is not a lesson we wanted Jakki to teach us, she is missed by so many, but it is a lesson we need to take to heart and remember. Life is short, there should be no regrets, we need to love each other and cherish the time we have on this Earth.
I am so happy we had this time together. I am looking forward to many more visits and get togethers with our Peacock Group! (Peacock was the decor of our cottage and they everywhere... they sneaked up on you!) Thank you for an incredible time.

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
-Hans Christian Andersen

Hof3 Chic Digital Card Smile Brush

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