Monday, September 7, 2009

My Best Friend

These last couple of weeks have been a bundle of emotion. Excitement, frustration, joy, anger, disappointment and lots of love. I won't go into what brought this on, but I can say that I broke out in hives for the first time in my entire life, but enough about that. There is one person that I can always count on, that is my wonderful, magnificent, handsome husband. He truly is my best friend and embodies everything a best friend should. I am such a lucky girl. I'm not saying we don't have our disagreements, but there is unconditional love and we work through it, hopefully learn something from it and come out stronger on the other side. He has been there for me everyday, he has been especially supportive since left my paying job. He is interested in what I am doing, gives me encouragement and wants nothing more for me than to be happy. He loves me for me! We continue to grow together and as individuals. I could not have asked for a better friend, he is the LOVE of my life. Next Saturday is our 22nd wedding anniversary, wow! I'm looking forward to the next 22 years. I love my life, my children and my amazing husband, my best friend.

Peace & Love

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