Thursday, November 5, 2009

Who am I and what path should I take?

When I was in my teens and early twenties I didn't give it a second thought. I'm me.. that is who I am. Not really sure if I knew what that meant, but I didn't really think about it and didn't really care I suppose, I was just living life. I went a different direction than I thought I would, I bypassed the "career girl with a dog who lives in a condo" stage and I went a direction of = married, job and children. (if you noticed, "career" changed to "job") It was the right decision, I was happy then, I'm happy now. I love my family and would NEVER change marrying the love of my life at age 19 and having our children in my twenties. It worked for us. But what seems to happen along the way is that we start to get consumed by making a living for ourselves, for our children and for our future and it is so darn easy to get wrapped up in that. I'm not saying that I did't have fun along the way, I have had a wonderful time living. I haven't always felt fulfilled in my jobs, but it's a job, right. I have my family, my hobbies, my friends and my inner spirit to fill in the gaps. As long as I'm paying the bills and my family has what they need and then some- I'm happy.
Now I'm 41 years old. My son is now 20, months away from being 21 and my daughter is 17 and preparing to graduate from High School. After 8 years with one company and 6 with another, I was laid off. Cut backs, economy, change in guard, whatever the reason it happened. I had no emotion about the "job." It was actually a huge relief. (pressure of money aside) I am very grateful to have a wonderful opportunity in front of me. It is different than what I have done in the past, but then again it's not. If I sit down and really think about who I AM, I probably would be doing something completely different, in fact, I'm sure of it. But life has taken me into this direction and I have allowed it to do so. I know that my new opportunity will start to take off and provide our family with security and a future that we have all worked so hard to obtain. So for that I am so grateful.
I find it interesting how "life" happens. I've always been positive, hard working and open to new things, I suppose that is why I wandered on the path I have.
So you are probably wondering is there a point to all this? I am happy to say yes!
I started thinking about my path in life, how I got here and what is next. I believe that is probably a natural thought process when a youngest child is preparing to graduate and leave the "nest." Thoughts of "what haven't I taught her, what should I make sure she knows before she goes out on her own?" "What GREAT life lesson is she still missing?" then it turns to thoughts of "What's next for me?" "What's next for us?" Yes we need to get through paying for college, room and board... so no changes quickly. But what is next?
To continue on this subject of "Who am I?" I have talked to our daughter about doing what she loves, finding her strengths early on, so when she is in her 40s she is doing exactly what she loves to do and it is not only supporting her monetarily, but it is also fulfilling her spirit. I know we can't predict the future and it is even more difficult to see into the future when we are 17 and everything is an opportunity to really know what we want out of life. My hope that she will remember our talks and when faced with opportunities she takes the one that fulfills her even if it doesn't pay the bills yet, because I believe if we do something we LOVE the rest will fall into place. But it is too easy to go down the path of security when we start on life's journey and difficult to jump off of it later. Find your strengths, understand your values, live your life on purpose.

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose. Your're on your own and you know what you know and you are the one who'll decide where to go. - Dr. Seuss

As for me, I'll get there and I'm moving in that direction.
Loving, nurturing and teaching our children has been and will continue to be the greatest "job" of all. For me, the rest will fall into place.

Have a good Thursday!
Peace & Love


Amelia said...

Oh fellow raveller!!

I so agree. What great writing. I have often struggled with this in my life, but finally feel I am getting to where it is I would like to be; doing things I love!

What positive messages. I too had my first child very young and now am in the position of encouraging her to do what she loves. It hasn't been an easy journey though!

Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

PS. if you get a chance do have a look:

Kim said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. Thank you for inviting me to your blog, it is wonderful.

Your writing is so open and honest. Congratulations for following your heart, you are brave and inspiring. Doors will open, I just know it. **HUGS** I love your art that you have posted on the blog, beautiful.

I'm so behind on my unravelling progects it is shameful. Need to catch up.

stephanie alaine said...

this is the dearest reflection. it is tender with possibility, but deeply rooted in that which makes us the goodness of our lives. i hope you find much joy in the soil of your life, and hope in planting new seeds---for sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, those seeds will grow & blossom into something beautiful! xoxox

Kim said...

Thank you so much.