Sunday, November 22, 2009

On it's way soon!

It is starting to get busy. With Thanksgiving just 4 short days away, the time will fly by. My goal is to be relaxed, cherish this time and slow it down. Once the holidays hit, 2010 is right around the corner and before we can say Happy New Year, we will be planning for Bekah's graduation party in June. For now, let's slow it down and savor the time we have together this holiday season. We are missing 1/4 of our family again this year. Zack, our son will not be with us for the holidays. As most of you know he is on a ship "somewhere" working for each of us, ready to protect our country at any given moment. We really missed him last year, his first holiday away, this year will not be any easier. We are preparing to send him a Christmas Care package. Rich and I had fun shopping for him. It is mostly all things he requested, like tattoo magazines, vitamins, and books, however, Rich did make chocolate chip cookies and Zack's grandmother made peanut butter cookies. I bought a stocking and added "Gummy Krabby Patties" one of his favorites among a few other things. I need to wrap the items and get them out the door ASAP so they will arrive by Christmas.
Lots of activities coming up, Thanksgiving morning Rich & Bekah along with my cousin Craig and his daughter will be running in the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot at Lake Eola downtown. It is a 5K to raise money for the Seniors First organization. This will be our 3rd year participating in the event. It is a perfect way to start the Thanksgiving holiday. Later in the afternoon, we all will be heading to the in-laws for Thanksgiving fellowship and dinner. I will be making The Pioneer Woman "Moist Spiced Pumpkin Muffins (with Cream Cheese Frosting) along with some pumpkin and pecan pies. Yum!
Also this week, be on the look out for some fun photos from this Tuesday as we are heading to St. Augustine for the day. One of my favorite cities. Saint Augustine, Florida is the oldest European city in the United States. I love the brick streets, historic churches, quaint shops, local artistry, the B&Bs, and restaurants. Always a good day in St. Augustine, especially with my family.
Bye for now, I need to get wrapping Zack's care package. If anyone would like to send a card or something to Zack while he is on deployment, let me know. I would be happy to send you his address.
Have a joyful week full of gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for! (even though our beloved Steelers lost to the Chiefs.. we must move on!)

Peace & Love,



Madison said...

Oh yeah Brittany LOVED it! Shes been wanting to do it since she was like five.

amelia said...

St Augustines is a favorite! So is Amelia Island :)
Lovely image- you know my girl graduates in June! I have not decided what I think about that yet! Have a wonderful Monday sweet friend!

Kim said...

Thank you, I wasn't sure about the image. The closer my daughter's graduation gets the tougher it is for me. I'm so excited about her going off to college, spreading her wings and all that "stuff".. but I will miss her terribly when she is not here everyday. Lots of emotions especially because she is my youngest and only one left at home.