Friday, June 13, 2008

Race to the Finish?

Race to the finish or is it just the beginning?
It is nice to be home. I am back in Orlando for the weekend. I have been going back and forth between Orlando and Louisville since February 08. I like Louisville, I like the job, but I LOVE my family! I look forward to being together every day of the week soon. I am glad I took the job, if we don't change and challenge ourselves we don't grow. I feel like I have grown in many ways these last 5 months, as a professional business woman, as a wife and a Mother. I have always appreciated my life and everyone in it, I am very blessed. This adventure has giving me a new sense of independence along with a renewed appreciation for friends and family. In the last 5 months, I have learned to drive in snow and ice, experienced tornadoes very close to me, awakened by an earthquake, I have been by myself more than I have in the last 20 years, I learned to bet on horses, I've met lots of new people and for the last two months I've gone without TV and I'm sleeping on an air mattress! (Because I was waiting for furniture) Oh did I mention I am also running a business? While at the same time being wife and Mother. Like when a replied to a text my daughter sent while I was at work asking me how much she was supposed to tip for a facial, I provided good motherly advice. And spending every possible moment with my husband when at home. We have good, meaningful conversations... all of us. I wonder what will change when we are together seven days a week? Am I ending a journey or just beginning one?

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