The journey, back in February we made a family decision that we would move to Louisville, KY. We made the decision based on what we thought would be a great opportunity for me to run a remote site as Vice President of Operations. Rich wasn't very happy in his job and this was a chance for an exciting change. Rich began to look for a job in the area but didn't have any luck and though Bekah was very supportive, as time continued to pass, the thought of moving and leaving her friends and everything she knew behind was just too much to think about. Overall, things just didn't transpire as we thought...After a conversation with my boss, I decided I would not stay and return to Orlando once a replacement had been found. All of this has been an emotional roller coaster. It has been very difficult to be away from Bekah and Rich every weekday, I can't wait to be home full time. On the other hand, I really am enjoying my team here in Jeffersonville and will miss them very much. I am proud of the work that we are doing here and it will be very difficult to let it go and watch someone else take over.
The good news is I still have a job and I will be doing work that will keep me engaged with the programs and people I have enjoyed working with. The journey has been rewarding and difficult at the same time. I don't regret taking the chance, I am glad I did it and I have learned so much! My replacement starts September 1st. Tomorrow I am telling my team and my clients. This will be very hard to do. I know it is the right decision... but a very difficult one. This picture is of Bekah in Jeffersonville, IN. right across the Ohio River from Louisville, KY. This was taken during Thunder Over Louisville.
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