I commented... we have come a long way from those "Fry Daddy" days! Rich then looked at his scallops and said.. Oh! I bet this would be good in a Fry Daddy! He's always thinking.
It doesn't seem like twenty one years, it really doesn't. When I sat across the table from Rich last night I thought, "Wow, how lucky and I to be married to my best friend." I love being with him. After twenty one years, last night I still hoped I looked okay for him, wanted to plan a perfect evening and wanted to make sure that Rich was happy, as that makes me happy. There are some differences now that we are in our 40s, we have worked hard for what we have and appreciate what life has to offer, treating ourselves to new experiences, trying new things. What I appreciate most about my marriage is that Rich and I have grown together. We grew up together, learning, understanding, supporting each other and challenging our own thoughts and beliefs that we were raised with to really figure our who we are. We don't agree on everything, but we respect each other's opinions and learn from each other. What a wonderful journey...
Oh and after 21 years, I learned that Rich doesn't really like Peach desserts, who knew, something new all the time.
After dinner we took a walk around the resort grounds and headed back to the car.
A simple, relaxing, enjoyable evening.
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