Good morning. We are back from a wonderful vacation to Louisville and Chicago. But more on that later, today I want to talk about our friends The Kosiewski's. Fred, Amy, Katie and Lauren. They are a beautiful family, inside and out. I wanted to write about them in my blog today because Katie, Fred and Amy's oldest daughter is graduating from Florida State University today with a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs. Rich and I have known Katie since she was born. We are proud to call Katie (and Lauren) our nieces and Rich's God Daughter. Fred and Rich went to High School together and became best friends. I went to High School with Fred's "little" sister Lisa. Fred met Amy while at work (Disney) they fell in love, got married and had Katie 22 years ago! 8 years later, Lauren was born! Rich was still Fred's friend, I was still Lisa's friend and that is how Rich and I got together and how the entire group stayed together as friends. We are very blessed to have a wonderful core group of friends that we consider family. So today we celebrate Fred, Amy, Katie and Lauren.
Fred and Amy, you are truly wonderful parents, always there for your children, involved, interested, having a sense of humor, loving, caring, and always teaching! You set an amazing example for Katie and Lauren, strong work ethic, a balanced home, propensity for experiencing new things, taking risks, loving each other, caring for others, and enjoying life to it's fullest. Congratulations on Katie's graduation from FSU, because of your guidance, your love, and encouragement, (and $$ :)) your daughter is a college graduate! Congratulations! Of course, our congratulations also go out to Katie for sticking with it and accomplishing this huge goal!
Way to Go!
...and to Lauren, for putting up with your sister, Mom and Dad... I know you are bringing them all up right! We are proud of you, your strive to be the best and to do well in school! We love you all!
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