Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Forever Friends

I haven't posted in awhile. Unfortunately, I have not been feeling well. I've had a headache that will NOT go away. I still have it, but it is not as bad as it has been. I miss not writing... so here is something short and sweet.
Last weekend my daughter and I went to Tallahassee, Fl. to tour Tallahassee Community College. We had a nice time and really liked the campus. We also drove around Florida State University. Bekah, my daughter, has decided she wants to start at the community college in Tallahassee first, then go on to FSU. I think that this is a wonderful idea. So now we have started down the process of applying, understanding the neighborhoods and housing options, budgets, etc. It is fun and I admit overwhelming too! So many things to do and so many deadlines! I know she will do well and I'm really excited for her.
During out visit to Tallahassee we watched a good friend of Bekah's (who is currently going to FSU) and his father compete in a Triatholon event. It was wonderful to watch and I know Bekah is excited now about training for one herself. This picture is of Bekah and her good friend Jackson who competed. These two really connect and it is so fun to watch them interact. I know Bekah just thinks the world of him. Friends like this are so important, just makes life that much more fun!


amelia said...

Hi sweet friend! I hope things are going well, when you have time pop over to
for a surprise!

Kim said...

You are so sweet, I need to get goign on my blog to be worthy! Thank you so much. It is some validation that is very needed right now. (Rough day today!)
Thank you,

Madison said...

Hope you get better soon! I just got back from Panama city to see the "G" fam and was sick while I was there and when I got back:( But fine now. Congrats for Bekah going to collage!

amelia said...

you are so sweet! Thank you :) Any chance that you may be going to BlogHer?

Kristie said...

So sorry I just realized I spelled Bekah's name wrong in my last comment!

Kim said...

No "sorry" needed... that is no problem! :) Glad you stopped by.
We would love to come visit and go riding sometime. That would be so much fun! Since Bekah will be up that way starting in the Summer, I imagine we will be up there some and I would love to go see a game or two. We will have to figure out a time when we can get together. I would love that!

Kim said...

I was looking into Blogher... but I'm not sure yet? For now, I'll be here. But I'm exploring my options. Do you have any info on Blogher?