Friday, November 20, 2009

Fabulous Sugar Blogger

As some may know I started my blog in June 2008 when I was working in Louisville, KY Monday through Friday and coming home to Florida on the weekends. Writing in my blog was a wonderful way to feel connected with my family and friends when I wasn't home.

I experienced huge growth during this time away. And although I do my blog for me, I enjoy it so much I would love to expand it and it's offerings to others out in the blogsphere. I'm working on how I do that... and understanding what I have to offer? What makes what I have to say interesting, why would people want to read what I write...all those things I think about.

Yesterday was a first and it was very exciting, I am humbled that Amelia over at Mom's Daily Retreat - Notes from the Edge passed along the Fabulous Sugar Blogger award to me.

If you haven't been to Ameila's, I highly recommend to visit and stay awhile, good for the soul.

So, as a recipient of this fun award, I need to list 10 interesting/fun facts about myself before passing the award along. So here it goes:

1. During the first 12 years of my life I moved 7 times, my father was in the Air Force

2. I LOVE the Dave Matthews Band

3. I don't like wearing shoes, but I love buying them!

4. I once took a ride in a bobsled on the Olympic track in Park City Utah for a team building event. Exhilarating and painful!

5. I'm a Florida Native

6. I'm a non-practicing licensed Nail Technician

7. I don't like soup

8. There are two gondolas on the Island of St. Thomas, one takes you to what is highlighted as one of the most beautiful views in the world and home of the banana daiquiri and one has some shops and dirt trails, guess which one I went to and took others excitedly looking for my banana daiquiri? Who knew there were two gondolas!

9. According to my daughter I laugh loudly and make funny faces

10. I am prone to whimsical activities (as my husband would say) where I will just break out in song, a funny noise, random thoughts at any given moment

With that said, I am passing this fun and charming little award on to these bloggers, some of my favorites!

1. Heart Piercing Life

2. One Blessed Girl

3. Holiday In The Sun

4. 6 Harts for Him

5. 101 Bird Tales

6. Mad Crafts

7. Life is Beautiful - Embers

Any blogging advice you want to give me, I'm listening! :)

Peace & Love,


amelia said...

what a fun list- I am also a huge DBM fan and am a shoe worshipper but a barefoot goddess!!
I am so excited to have discovered you- your warmth comes through your blog- just like sunshine. I am thrilled to continue on the unravelling path! I think it will be a journey that continues to define us and friendships continue to blossom!

BECKY said...

Hi Cuz! You know Kim, the blog world is ready for you to break out, girl! You have a great eye for photography,and a fun, friendly personality that just bubbles over into your writing. I never set out to have anything except a dozen people who maybe cared about what I have to say. I don't really have any other purpose except helping people know the joy of the Lord, so blog growth isn't super important to me. I have heard, though that the book Blogging for Bliss is a great resource for those wanting to do more with their blogs. I can tell you one thing I've noticed is that when I post really regularly, my readership stays higher and more consistent, and also when I make sure I make the rounds visiting.

I could see you really exploding onto the scene with your fresh, fun perspective! Go for it!!

I will be happy to announce your blog on mine if you'd like. I did that for Maddy and a couple of friends, and it helped them get a few more followers.

Hope you have a lovely weekend! Brittany is skydiving in Deland tomorrow, so that's our excitement for the weekend!! Can't wait to see her jump!!

OH! I forgot! Thank you for the award!! Maddy will be thrilled when she sees, too!!

Love to you!

6HartsforHim said...

Thank you SO much Kim for passing on the award.Your so thoughtful and sweet to think of me.And honestly,you totally brightened my day,our Riley was up most of the night throwing up,again.I needed something to lighten my spirits.Have a blessed weekend!

Madison said...

Thanks sooooo much Kim for the award! I am sooo excited! And for blogging I feel the same way! For tips and stuff go to! And I have a nice crowd visiting my blog so like my mom said I can announce your blog on mine! Thanks again!

Amelia said...

Oh Kim Hi!!!

Thank you for the award - I hadn't visited for a while and saw your wonderful comment on my blog just recently and it reminded me to!! (thank you by the way)

I am getting ready for an art show coming up next week so have been super busy!

I just wanted to say in regards to your comments on your post here about why would people want to read what you write, and what have you got to say, I think one good idea is to write about what you would like to read on other peoples' blogs, or what you DO like reading, because if you like it the chances are that loads of people will like it too, because you are passionate about it and it interest you and this always shows!! (this is what I did!) But you write well and have just got an award!!!!

Will do another post now when I can think what to say for the award. . . . .

Will read more especially when things calm down - if ever!!
