Bekah, I'm so proud of you! More importantly, I hope you are proud of yourself and your accomplishments. You are an amazing young woman. Your healthy living, your decision making, your appreciation for love, life, tradition and family are just some of the attributes that makes you so special. As your junior year in high school wraps up, things will start changing. People will start asking you "what's next", "what college" what are YOU going to do? Stay calm, stay relaxed and be yourself. Make your plans based on what you want to do! Your Dad and I are here to guide you, we want your decisions to be
your decisions. I know you have heard me say this quote before "In a world where you can be anything, be yourself" this is so important. Find your passion early.

You did a fantastic job during Saturday's 5K. I know you were not happy with your time, be proud that you did it and that you finished. Your time was not your personal best time, but I have already seen how you are driven to beat not only that time, but previous times as well. I love your drive and determination. I remember when you were first learning to ride a bike. Your brother and the boys in the neighborhood were riding bikes and you were determined that you would as well. You tried so hard and never gave up, even after hitting a tree. You where hurt, you cried for half a second as you climbed back on the bike and asked your Dad to push you off. I love your spirit.
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