Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Days Like This

After a very emotional Friday and Saturday visiting the family and attending Jakki's viewing and memorial service, it was nice to be able to just "hang out" with Rich and Bekah. The memorial service was very nice, standing room only in the YMCA gym. Jakki touched so many lives and it was apparent at her service. She will be missed by so many. Jakki, the way you lived your life is an inspiration to so many. It was good to see my cousins. The Allen family is such a loving family. So after traveling back and forth to Jacksonville on Friday and Saturday, Sunday was a day to reflect, relax and just be with one another.
We started the day very leisurely, checking email, searching the Internet, checking facebook, listening to music and watching a bit of TV. About 11ish, we mustered the energy to take the dogs to the dog park. Blue and BeeBee love going to the dog park. I am amazed how close they stay to us when not leashed. I think they may be afraid we might trade them in on another dog... :) Blue especially is very jealous. I also took the time to practice different settings on my camera and getting some action shots. It was a beautiful day outside, perfect for being outside. There was at one point when we lost sight of BeeBee. Bekah said "there she is" looking towards the lake. Rich made the comment how did she get over there so fast. (As I said before, they typically stay very close). So we walked down to the lake and marveled at how fast BeeBee was running and playing with other dogs, as this is not typical, until we realized we were taking pictures of a pug that was NOT BeeBee! This pug even had the same collar! It was a little embarrassing to say the least. I got some great shots. See below. You can see that this pug is much younger then BeeBee. We found BeeBee about 2ft from where we originated, she wasn't running around and we realized that's our dog!
During the car ride to the dog park we were contemplating lunch. Do we take it with us? What should we get? We ended up deciding to take the dogs first, then go to lunch. So after the dog park visit we took Blue and BeeBee home.
We settled on the Cuban Cafe in Winter Park, right off of Park Ave. They have the best homemade plantains. We enjoyed our lunch, sitting outside in our beautiful weather. After lunch, it was time for ice cream. Rich headed towards Cold Stone, which apparently according to Bekah is ick... we had to divert and go across the street to Marble Slab. That was a close call! Once again, we sat outside and had our ice cream dessert. As we were sitting outside we looked at our feet and legs, OMG! They were completely filthy from the dog park. So, after the ice cream, we sprinted home, washed our feet and legs and headed to the Mall of Millennium. Wasn't Rich's first choice, or second or third, but Bekah had a mall gift certificate that she had since Christmas and wanted to use it. Rich survived, Bekah spent some money and home we went. It doesn't matter what we are doing, as long as we are together we are having fun. I love my family! Rich, Bekah, Zack and of course BeeBee and Blue! I love days like this.
Not BeeBee

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